Search Springing Forward

Tuesday, July 18, 2017


My two, soon to be three year old, has an uncanny way of connecting things.  For example, if I have my phone out he will say, "can we listen to music?" or if I have the computer out he might say, "can I watch Daniel Tiger?"

He does this with more than technology.  We go to a number of different grocery stores depending on the weekly deals and our meal plans for the week.  He associates Jungle Jim's with car carts and he associates going to Aldi with going through the tunnel to get there.  He probably has something for each place we go.

It's fun to see how his mind works and makes connections.  It can be helpful in so many ways.  His associations are not always helpful, but it is good for me to be aware of them.  More than once we have arrived at a store and no car cart was available for use.  Melt downs at the store are rare for him since he loves going, but it has happened under that situation.  I have found that being able to prep him in advance helps. Saying something like, "they may be out of car carts today, we'll just have to wait and see if they have any."

Singing off...let's talk about what we'll do

Question for you: What is one association your child has with going shopping?

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