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Tuesday, November 7, 2017


My son started using LaLaLogic this summer right before he turned three years old.  We are currently in Week 12 of the program.  LaLaLogic is a curriculum for 3-6 year old children that has online and offline learning components.

As a parent, I view myself as his most important teacher.  I wanted to be a stay at home Mom before meeting my husband and we agreed before getting married that one goal would be to have me stay home with our kids.  We have been able to arrange our lives thus far with two kids for me to stay home with them.  Since I am home with them, I am their main teacher and it is my job to look for resources and to use resources to teach them. 

I found out about LaLaLogic from a friend's blog - she does a lot of awesome curriculum reviews - and I waited until my son was entering the recommended age range to purchase the product.

The weekly schedule includes online logic games on Monday/Wednesday/Friday and offline enrichment work on Tuesday/Thursday with an additional worksheet on Wednesdays.  I am responsible for printing out the offline work, but the curriculum includes the weekly schedule and worksheets to download, so it is easy to follow.

I really like the LaLaLogic curriculum.  I have seen my son grow in various areas that have been exciting.  I like that it has both online and offline portions and that the online portion is both short and capable of being repeated.  One example of a logic game is a question with pictures such as "which person is sitting by a computer" and there are four pictures to choose from, or "how many items are on the stage"? and there are four numbers to choose from to answer the question.  Concepts range from counting, patterns, more/less, matching, choosing what is different and number recognition.

It has been a learning experience for me to see what my son already knows, to see how quickly he can pick up a new concept and also to see how he handles being right and being wrong in his answers. 

He is very vocal about what he likes and does not like.  Some of the online logic games he enjoys and others he does not want to do at all (after he has done them at least once). I'm trying to discern if his reaction is one of boredom because it is too easy/obvious or something else.  The online logic games are to be done with my instruction on Monday and without it on Wednesday/Friday.  The logic games change each week, but some come back in later weeks.

Something else interesting is that he sometimes chooses an answer at random.  I'm hoping more of these logic puzzles will teach him that he cannot always have/choose what he wants because he has to answer the question and play by the rules, etc. Away from these logic games in other aspects of life he tries to make things/people do what he wants, like having his sister sit in a box to pretend they are driving a car together, but then he gets upset when she walks away.  I am working with him to understand that he cannot always have everything the way he wants it, even when he asks nicely.  Life just does not work that way and it is a lesson I am hoping he will learn sooner, rather than later.

Overall LaLaLogic has been a positive addition for my son and I am still happy with the one time price of $29!  That is not a monthly fee, that is a one time payment - that can be refunded within the first month of use - and I now have access to the curriculum for life and can use it for up to six children.  I am not affiliated with LaLaLogic.  Check it out for yourself here:

Singing la la

Question for you (For those that home school): What curriculum do you use or are you considering one for your child(ren)?

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